Training and Professional Development Materials

Transforming Trauma

April 4, 2022

Trauma Stewardship Institute

- Website:

- Upcoming Events:

- Instagram for podcast: @futuretrippingwithlaura

- Podcast: “Future Tripping”

Handouts and Books

Visit The Ford Family Foundation Select Book site to request a free copy of Laura's books:

- Trauma Stewardship

- The Age of Overwhelm

- Tiny Survival Guide English | Pequeña guía de supervivencia Español

- When Experiencing Overwhelm English | Respuesta a la exposicion al trauma Español

- The Five Directions (English) | Las cinco Direcciones (Español)

- Trauma Stewardship Letter

- Trauma Stewardship Institute Map (English)

Training Certificate

- Training Certificate: Transforming Trauma

Other Resources

- Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister, John Tierney

- Freakonomics Podcast - “Why is My Life So Hard

The Power of Showing Up

April 12, 2021

Understanding, Supporting and Accepting Families with Complex Needs

June 10, 2019

Deb Sunderland LCSW presented a framework for understanding families with complex needs. Using Complexity Theory she facilitated a conversation that explored the complexity of the family, the system home visitors work in, and the role they engage in. Participants explored how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may be useful tools for the work of the home visitor. In the second half of the day attendees engaged in small group discussions using case examples from home visitors.

Power Point Presentation includes link to TED talks, book list, how to draw an Eco-Map and sample Eco-Map.

Handouts from training:

- Study Guide

- Distress Tolerance Handout

- How to create an Ecomap

- Brene Brown - BRAVING

- Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (complex)

- Case study group questions

- Complexity in the Workplace

- List of organizations in attendance