About Us… and You

About you: The Early Childhood Hub of Lane County is here to help you with the joys and challenges of raising a child. We are your local hub for parenting help, early learning resources, and your guide to the community’s free or low-cost opportunities for play and learning. 

We work with schools, social services agencies, and other community partners to gather evidence-based parenting education opportunities and activities for all families. We do this because children who are healthy, stable, and ready for kindergarten are prepared to live their best lives. We are devoted to helping make that happen.

Everyone is welcome: We are here for all parents and caregivers or those serving that vital role. This includes people of all racial and ethnic identities, sexual orientations, gender identities, countries of origin, belief systems, ages, and abilities. We place extra emphasis on serving the children and families furthest from opportunity.

How we do it: We are funded by the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care, the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC), and Lane County, with support from our backbone agency, United Way of Lane County. We previously served the community as LaneKids and the Lane Early Learning Alliance. The recent merge of our programs reflects the close connection between play and education, and kids and caregivers. 

Why we do it: We do this because children who are healthy, stable, and ready for kindergarten are prepared to live their best lives. We are devoted to helping make that happen. 

Our mission: All parents and caregivers have the knowledge, tools, and support systems to nurture their child’s optimal development and success in school and life.

About Early Learning and Parenting Education Hubs

All counties in Oregon are served by a regional Early Learning Hub and a Parenting Education Hub. We are a combined hub, playing both roles for families in Lane County. These hubs were created to coordinate local early learning providers, K-12 education, healthcare providers, human & social services, local businesses, and parents & caregivers in an effort to ensure kids and their families get the support and early learning experiences they need to succeed in school and life. 

We envision a community in which Lane County families, providers, and organizations work together to ensure that all children are safe, healthy, cherished, and enter school ready to learn. We focus on three main goals: 

Kindergarten Readiness: Ensuring children receive the early learning experiences they need to thrive and enter kindergarten ready to learn and succeed.

Healthy & Stable Families: Supporting a stable home environment as a critical component of positive early experiences and the development of healthy relationships.

Aligned & Coordinated System: Bringing together the early childhood, K-12 education, health, human & social services, community, business, government, and philanthropic sectors into one efficient and effective local early learning system that’s easy for families to navigate.

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