Welcome to the Family Leadership Council (FLC). We have changed our name from the Parent Advisory Council to the FLC to more accurately represent the intentions of our group.

This group was convened amidst the pandemic in August of 2020 to give a safe space for caregivers to connect and navigate the complexities of the pandemic and their children’s education, and to provide feedback on Early Childhood Hub programs. We have been fortunate to have consistent and diverse participation at our FLC meetings. Our goal now is moving towards leadership training for our caregivers. See our meeting notes below to learn how our council has grown and our plans for the future. We genuinely want to learn from parents and caregivers about their experiences, their hopes for how our community can do better, and their ideas on how to make that happen. At each meeting we bring topics for parents & caregivers to discuss and pursue actions to improve our early learning system.

Meeting Facilitator

FLC meetings are facilitated by Adriana Medina, Bilingual Outreach and Engagement Coordinator. She is fluent in Spanish and English and is very passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion. Here’s more about Adriana:

“I have deep roots in Lane County, having lived here all of my life. I know the area well and how I would like to help it grow. My mother has been a teacher for elementary through college level and my father is a drug and alcohol counselor, which provided me a very unique insight. I understand the complexities families endure in regards to education, health, and medical needs. Originally, I wanted to serve families as a Marriage and Family Therapist, but was introduced to social work and it changed my perspective. Prior to this position I worked at Direction Services as a Bilingual Wrap Around Facilitator. I worked to collaborate all the systems the family is involved with to meet their needs and goals. My passion to serve marginalized people led me to this position. I want to make change on an individual level and love to be an advocate for families that are underserved due to systemic inequities.”

Adriana Medina Garcia, Family Engagement Coordinator
I have deep roots in Lane County, having lived here all of my life. I know the area well and how I would like to help it grow.
— Adriana Medina, Outreach and engagement coordinator

Who Should Participate

Parents and caregivers of children under the age of 8 to inform key program and policy decisions by the FLC that will affect young children and families in Lane County.

Stipends and Interpretation

We value the time and feedback of participating families. Participants receive a $50 gift card after each meeting as a thank you. Spanish interpretation is provided during the council meetings.

Meeting Date and Time

The Family Leadership Council meets 8 times each year, on the second Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm. Meetings are currently virtual (through Zoom), with in-person meetings coming soon.

Join the Family Leadership Council!

Interested in being part of the FLC? The 90-minute meetings are virtual and council members receive a $50 gift card for their time. Meetings offer live translation into Spanish.

If you have questions or want more information, please email Adriana Medina.

Smiling boy holding hands with parent

Meeting Notes

Father holding son smiling parent

“The Family Leadership Council has given me a way to advocate for my community within a group of diverse and dedicated parents. It’s been a pleasure and a reaffirming experience to be able to share ideas and see goals come to fruition and the Council gives me a place to do that.”

— Adrian

What Parents Are Saying

“I have very much enjoyed participating in the FLC. It has given me a voice in matters concerning my child and the children of Lane County. I have made connections with some incredible parents and learned about so many great resources. I love being able to be involved without sacrificing time with my own child.”

— Kathryn

“Every month I look forward to attending the Family Leadership Council. I love how we can connect with other families and discuss issues about our children and learn about community resources and what is happening in our community.”

— Mariela