Be An Antiracist: Learn More, Know More, Do More

We have compiled a number of resources on race and racism. We are committed to doing the work to address our own biases, to understand our racist actions, both conscious and unconscious, and then change how we operate, and support other family-focused organizations in Lane County to be antiracists. We invite you to do this critical work along with us.

*Disclaimer: The content on this page may contain images, language, and topics that are not suitable for children, or are considered offensive or triggering to readers. The information has been provided as an opportunity for adults to explore. We ask that you use your best judgment in how you choose to share this information with the youth in your life.  

Do you have resources to add, suggestions, or feedback on the page? Email us at

Talking About Race With Children

How to Raise and Teach Anti-Racist Kids

Understanding Our Racist History


"13th" - a history lesson on the US's criminalization and imprisonment of African Americans from the slave trade through modern times. Available on Netflix.

158 Resources to Understand Racism in America - articles, videos, podcasts and websites from the Smithsonian chronicle the history of anti-black violence and inequality.

1619 Project - An initiative from The New York Times Magazine that aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.

Extensive list of movies, books, podcasts and more

History of American Policing (podcast)

Voting rights act

The History of Voting Rights in the United States

Slavery to Mass Incarceration

Visualizing Racism - Nine photographers take on the challenge of depicting bigotry

Art That Confronts and Challenges Racism

Mark Bradford - Scorched Earth

More Resources

Take Action