Tips for Battling the Cold and Flu

It’s flu season! Sure, we love the cold weather activities and warm sweaters that come with the winter season, but the downside is that the nasty flu, cough, and cold are back once again with a vengeance.

To keep your family healthy and flu-free this season, follow these tips for cold and flu prevention:

  • Wash your hands more often than usual – Especially after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose! Bacteria on hands can enter easily into the body thorough contact with your nose, eyes, and mouth.  Have your kids do the same, making sure they use warm water and anti-bacterial soap.
  • Get plenty of vitamins C and D - Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are a great source of these 2 vitamins, as are yellow and red bell peppers, strawberries, and kiwis.  These vitamins help boost the immune system and fight off early cold symptoms.
  • Visit the doctor early! – At the first sign of high fever, cough, and congestion get your child or yourself to the doctor as soon as possible. Flu viruses can sometimes be treated, but only within the first 48 hours or so of symptoms on-set. It does more hurt than good to wait and see if the symptoms will develop into a full-on virus.
  • Use separate (or disposable) cups and towels in the bathroom and kitchen – This will help to stop the spread of viruses from one person in the family to another in the event that one becomes sick. This also doesn’t give bacteria a chance to hang around on household items.
  • Change sheets, pillow cases, and toothbrushes regularly – Particularly after one person in the house is already sick. As symptoms of one family member start to fade, make sure they use a new toothbrush, a fresh set of sheets and clean pillow cases. Bacteria hiding in these items can cause the person to get sick all over again and can be spread to other family members.

Flu shots can also be effective to prevent illness this season, however following the tips above will give you an extra edge over the cold, cough, and flu that are so easily passed around this time of year. It can be easy to help your family fight the flu this winter!

The information in this blog was derived from WebMd,, and local pediatricians.


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