Screen Free Week, April 29th - May 5th

What is Screen-Free Week? According to their website, it is “an annual celebration where children, families, schools, and communities turn off screens and turn on life.” By turning off, or reducing screen time, participants have time to pursue a host of other activities like reading, playing and exploring outside, spending time with family and friends, or just laying around and watching the clouds go by.

Screen-Free Week, formerly TV-Turnoff, is presented by Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC). CCFC statistics say that the average preschooler averages 32 hours of screen time a week and the number rises for older kids. Screen time has been linked to problems in school, childhood obesity and attention problems. Through screens kids are exposed to all sorts of marketing. By reducing dependence on screen entertainment, children, and their parents, can improve their well being by becoming more actively engaged in real life.

The Springfield Public Library is encouraging kids to turnoff TV and computer screens, or limit your screen time all week, and earn a free book. Pick up your Screen Free Pledge Card at the Youth Services Desk in April. Return it by May 11 for your reward. Youth of all ages are encouraged to participate.


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