Make Winter A Wonderland, Not A Worry: winter safety tips and activity ideas

Rain, rain and more rain and yet…you can still enjoy all of winter with your toddler. Maybe those early winter days of sweet indoor cuddling are gone as more cold wet days arrive, but having a variety of indoor activities to keep your child busy and stimulated will make for a happy winter for all.You don’t need fancy or expensive toys. There are lots of fun and safe playthings you can find with everyday objects in your home:

Indoor Activity Ideas

  • Create a simple scavenger hunt. Place three red objects around the room -- a red apple, a red cup and red toy fire truck. Your child will love exploring and finding the objects and will learn about colors (shapes or sizes) too.
  • Make a simple dough (or buy some pre-made) and create interesting shaped breads to bake. Then eat your work!
  • Make music! Tambourines or shakers work, as do wooden spoons and pots.
  • Look online or for books in the library for endless ideas for indoor activities.

Lane County Winter Activities

There are lots of fun activities in Lane County. Parenting Now! has Play Time and Squishtivities, good for your child and a great way to meet other parents with children the same age. The Eugene and Springfield Public Libraries have free story times for children of specific ages, from 0 – 6, as well Spanish Story Times and Sensory Story Time, for kids with sensory integration issues or other special needs. Being introduced to friends and books early will also help your child be ready for school when the time comes. The LaneKids Events calendar has lots to suggest, like Tiny Tots Indoor Playground.

If your child is busy with fun activities, they are less likely to get into mischief. Of course, even if your child is occupied, it’s still critical to take general safety precautions like keeping knives, sharp objects and medicine out of reach. There are extra winter safety issues to be aware of too:

 Indoor Safety Tips

  • Never put space heaters in a child’s room or where they are sleeping. Keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from space heaters.
  • Winter can mean more open flames in your home. Whether it’s a kerosene lamp, a fireplace, candles or other open flames make sure they are well out of reach of children – remember toddlers are very resourceful when trying to get to something that sparkles or glows.
  • Colds and flu are more common in winter. Teach your child to wash their hands frequently, especially when they are around other groups of children. Teach them to sneeze or cough into the bend of their elbow to help reduce spreading their colds to others.
  • Don’t use electric blankets with young children, and if you have an infant, use sleeping sacks or warm sleepers instead of blankets in sleeping areas.

You don’t want to stay indoors all the time! Here’s a few tips for making the most out of your outdoor winter adventures:

 Outdoor Safety Tips

  • Dress your child in layers. A good rule of thumb is to dress babies and young children in one more layer than an adult is wearing.
  • Make sure places on your child’s body that can get particularly cold or damp are covered -- hands and feet, head and ears.
  • Don’t overdress! Children can get sweaty and overheated, causing problems like skin irritations.
  • If you are outside for an extended period, check if layers need to come off or on.
  • If it’s frightfully cold, avoid taking your child, especially infants, outside as much as possible.
  • Make a game out of counting the layers that get put on or off.

Winter Warning!

You may think putting extra blankets or clothing under car seat straps will give your child a little extra warmth. However, the extra space created between your child and the harness, could make it unsafe in an accident. The padding makes it easier for them to slip out of the seat, so never put anything under the straps.

Winter doesn’t have to be filled with weariness or worry! There are lots of exciting and safe things to do indoors and outdoors and around town too. You might even miss winter when it’s over – especially if you remember to let yourself join your child in jumping in puddles!


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