Keeping Young Workers Safe

Do you have teens about to start work or who are new to work? Work can be a very positive experience but there are some things you and your teen should know. Did you know that young people under the age of 25 are twice as likely to get hurt on-the-job than older workers? Young workers have high occupational injury rates which can be explained by the number of hazards in workplaces where they typically work. Inexperience and lack of safety training may also increase risk for young workers. And, for the youngest workers, those in middle and high schools, there may be biologic and psychosocial contributors to increased injury rates, such as inadequate fit, strength, and cognitive abilities.What can parents do?Know the laws. Oregon child labor health and safety regulations prohibit teens from working late and/or long hours and from doing dangerous work. Visit this website for specific information.Know the risks. Teens can and do get hurt on the job. Different types of jobs may have different hazards. For example, in a restaurant setting there may be slippery floors or utensils such as knives and cooking equipment are used.Talk to your teen. Ask them what tasks they do at work. Ask them about the training they received and if it is helpful. Ask about their supervision at work. Encourage them to speak up!Watch for warning signs. Tiredness, loss of interest, unhappy at work, work injuries, employer cited for breaking child labor laws.Help resolve work problems. If your teen seems concerned about anything at work, help him or her think about what change is needed and who can help make the change.Where can parents find more information?Information for parents of working teens can be found at Kincl, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety at the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University. This article is part of a series in recognition of Oregon Parenting Education Week, May 20 - 27, 2013. 


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