5 Types of Play that Help Children Grow

Whether it’s building a castle out of blocks, pretending to be a pirate, or riding bikes, play isn’t just good for the body — it actually helps the brain too!

Play engages the body and mind in imaginative activities that develop a child’s ability to think creatively, work as a team member, and create and follow rules. So if you're worried that your child needs to spend more time doing fractions, practicing violin, playing soccer or studying the dictionary to become a successful human being, remember that kids also need unstructured time to build, create, and fantasize.

There is a lot of research and plenty of interesting studies out there on different kinds of play and how they help kids grow. These 5 types of play are proven to have a significant, and positive, impact on a child’s growing mind.

Play Pretend

Whether it’s hiding from imaginary enemies or playing with a dollhouse, there’s a whole lot going on when young kids use their imagination in play. Pretend play uses many parts of the brain, including those that control language, movement, emotions, and cognition. It also helps kids explore new roles and figure out how things work and how they fit into the world.

Research has shown that kids who spend lots of time engaged in pretend play are better abstract thinkers and more socially and linguistically competent. And you thought your child was just playing with dolls!

Build with Blocks

Stacking blocks today may not lead to a math degree tomorrow, but there’s no question that playing with blocks and other open-ended building toys (like Legos) has long-term effects on kids’ learning.

In one study, researchers focused on preschoolers who played with blocks and followed them through high school. They found that by high school the students who had used blocks had higher scores in math (on both standardized tests and class work). Another study found that playing with blocks (or other construction toys) boosts spatial and problem-solving skills in kids.


With high-stakes testing and the increasing demand that kids demonstrate academic proficiency, many schools have cut back on recess to squeeze in more class time. But research shows that children learn more and better if they’ve had a chance to play outside during the day. Studies have found that kids grew less attentive as the day went by without recess and were more alert after a break.

Recess also provides an opportunity for kids to learn cooperatively as they make up games, decide rules, and learn to resolve conflicts. The (relatively) unsupervised time with peers also boosts their communication skills.

The Great Outdoors

Many kids today are missing out on the joys of climbing trees, building dams in streams, and collecting leaves. Playing outside doesn’t just give children more appreciation of nature; it also boosts their academic achievement and improves their behavior.

Studies have shown that being outside also pushes kids’ imaginations and lowers their stress. Their pretend play becomes more intricate and diverse than if they're just playing indoors (and they get all those benefits of pretend play as well).

Also, kids who have been deprived of the outdoors tend to not do as well in the sciences in college. One study even found that the likelihood of choosing a science career was related to the amount of time the person spent playing (not studying) in nature as a child.

Teen Play

As kids enter middle school, play is just as important and meaningful. Although the type of play may change, its positive affects remain. Even for tweens and teens, unstructured play builds cognitive and social development, enhances reading and writing abilities, and nourishes overall academic achievement.

At this age, kids may start to focus on more physical play (such as team sports) and games that involve language (such as jokes, secret codes, and word games). Playing with each other, instead of zoning out in front of the TV, helps them learn to take turns, lead, follow and coordinate.

Intensely physical play has its academic benefits as well. One study found that aerobic exercise improved kids’ executive function, which helps them regulate their emotions and make good decisions. What adolescent couldn’t use more help calming those emotional roller coasters and making healthy choices?

It turns out that learning and playing, thinking and growing, pretending and problem-solving can all happen at once! By giving your child opportunities to play and explore on their own terms, you are also helping them develop crucial skills for success in school and in life. Encourage your child to play, and you’ll be helping them grow - mind and body - every day.

This blog was adapted from a post originally published by GreatSchools.


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