5 Simple Recipes Kids Can Cook for Mom

Mother’s Day is a few days away and what better way to celebrate mom than to treat her to a fun and delicious meal! Cooking as a family is not only a learning experience for children, it also creates family memories that will last a lifetime. There are several ways your kids can help in the kitchen to make this Mother’s Day meal a special one.Ask your child to:

  • Identify the names and colors of the different fruits/veggies you are using
  • Read the step by step directions along with you
  • Practice measuring and pouring ingredients
  • Count food items and ingredients
  • Experiment with texture and tastes, and describe them (i.e. sweet, sour, warm, cold, sticky, solid)

Below is a list of 5 simple, kid-friendly recipes that the whole family can use to treat mom this weekend!Frozen Banana Yogurt Bites: A simply healthy and delicious treat for mom on Mother’s Day. Kids will love helping you pour yogurt into muffin tins and placing the bananas (or other fruit) on the plate. See full recipe here.yogurt bites topped with banana Peanut Butter, Strawberry, and Banana Quesadillas: This one is for the vegan moms out there. This works great as lunch or breakfast in bed, although kids may need some help preparing this one—Be sure to go over your family’s stove safety rules! See full recipe here.peanut butter, strawberry, and banana quesadillas Spinach Balls: These delicious bites would work well as a side to whatever dinner your family decides to cook up. Your child will feel special being a helper in the kitchen. See full recipe here.Spinach balls Egg Casserole: When your kids wake up early on Mother’s Day, put them to work filling each muffin tin with simple ingredients while mom sleeps in.See full recipe here.Egg, cheese, and veggie casserole muffins Funfetti Pancakes: Sprinkles! Kids love sprinkles. This is a very fun and festive recipe for kids to make and for moms to receive on Mother’s Day. See full recipe here.Funfetti Pancakes Although Mother’s Day is focused on celebrating moms in particular, any opportunity to spend time together is worth celebrating. Often, cooking and learning with your children can be more fun than you ever expected!Happy Mother’s Day!-LaneKids


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