The earliest years of your child’s life, from birth to age five, are so important in their social and educational development! There are many early childhood programs that offer free, high-quality child care and supports for families throughout Lane County.
Child Care Programs and Resources
Early Childhood CARES
Free developmental screening for any 0-5 year old child, and early intervention and early childhood special education services for children ages 0-5 with developmental delays and or disabilities.
Early Childhood CARES can help your child with speech and language skills, behavior and social skills, moving and playing, learning and understanding. No insurance is required. If you have concerns about your child's development, call Early Childhood CARES to to make a referral or visit our webpage.
Services open to all Lane County children ages 0-5.
All Lane County addresses are eligible
Visit or call 541-346-2578 English, 541-346-0742 Spanish.
Employment Related Day Care (ERDC)
Financial help with the cost of child care for working parents and guardians with children ages 0-17.
Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) helps families who are working, in school, or receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) pay for child care, including registration fees. ERDC is a subsidy program. This means many families still pay part of the child care cost.
Must be working or in school or receiving TANF; income under 200% of Federal Poverty level; with children 0-17; and need child care to keep working, attending school, or participating in family well-being activities.
The ERDC program began using a waitlist after November 3, 2023. Some families can skip the waitlist including:
Families reapplying for ERDC within two months of benefits ending
Families getting Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Families getting Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors (TA-DVS)
Families who got TANF or TA-DVS within 3 months of applying for ERDC
Families referred by the Child Welfare division of the Oregon Department of Human Services
State of Oregon
To apply for ERDC:
Visit - or - your local ODHS office
Call 1-800-699-9075
Text your zip code to 898211
Family Relief Nursery
Home visits, parent education, respite care, therapeutic classrooms, developmental screenings, and other supports for families raising children under age six.
Family Relief Nursery provides home visiting, parenting support, respite care, developmental screenings, parenting classes and Circle of Security classes in English and Spanish. Our therapeutic early childhood program builds children’s resilience and social emotional skills while supporting all areas of development. All services are free.
Families with children under 6.
South Lane and North Douglas Counties; Cottage Grove, Creswell, Drain, and surrounding areas.
To learn more, visit or call 541-942-4835.
Head Start
Free, high-quality part-day and full-day preschool, parenting education and support for families with children ages 0-5.
Head Start of Lane County is a high-quality preschool and family development program serving children and families throughout Lane County. We promote school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive growth of children from birth to age 5, providing medical and dental services, nutritious meals and snacks, and many other supports to children and their families. We emphasize parental engagement and offer parenting education, networking opportunities, job training, and more. Part Day and Extended or Full Day classrooms are available. Early Head Start administers a home visiting program for expectant parents and children up to age 3 and promotes healthy birth outcomes, enhanced child development, and positive parenting skills.
Children experiencing special needs are prioritized;
Families who meet federal income guidelines are prioritized;
Families experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care are automatically eligible;
Families who do not meet income and eligibility guidelines are accepted on a space-available basis.
Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, Florence, Junction City, Lowell, Oakridge and Veneta.
To learn more, visit or call 541-747-2425 ext. 1232.
Preschool Promise
Free high-quality, full-time preschool for families with children ages 3 & 4.
Preschool Promise provides high-quality preschool centered on the philosophy that parents and caregivers should be able to choose the setting that works best for their children and family. From culturally responsive environments and inclusive programming to well-educated teachers, the program builds a learning environment that can create lasting benefits. Preschools are available in many settings including licensed centers, home-based child care, community-based organizations, and school districts.
The child must be 3 or 4 at the beginning of the program year; households can make up to 200% Federal Poverty Level, and children must be Oregon Residents (immigration status does not matter).
Cottage Grove, Creswell, Dorena, Eugene, Junction City, Mapleton, McKenzie, Pleasant Hill, Springfield (family can apply to any location as long as they live in Oregon)
To learn more, visit our Preschool Promise page or contact us at 541-741-6000 ext. 201 or
Relief Nursery
Home visits, parent education, counseling, developmental screenings, and other supports for families raising children under age six.
Relief Nursery provides home visiting, parenting support, developmental screenings, parenting classes, and Circle of Security classes in English and Spanish. Our addiction recovery support team is available to work with parents who are in recovery. Our therapeutic early childhood program builds children's resilience and social-emotional skills while supporting all areas of development. Play therapy and family counseling are also available.
Low-income families with children under 6.
Eugene/Springfield and some outlying areas.
To learn more, visit or call 541-343-9706.
Help Finding Other Child Care Programs
Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care
Visit the Department of Early Learning and Care’s website for resources on how to find child care providers near you, how to check on the safety of a licensed child care provider, how to pay for child care, and so much more!
Reach out to 211info for current information on child care programs in our region.
To receive a customized referral to child care programs:
Call 211 (Dial 2-1-1 or 1-866-698-6155) and listen to the prompt for Child Care and press the specified number,
Text the keyword “children” or “niños” to 898211 (TXT211), or
School-Age Child Care Providers
The following programs provide before and/or after school care for school-age children in the 2024-2025 school year. Due to high demand, these programs may be full or have a waitlist.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Emerald Valley: Eugene. Weekly Tuition.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Lane County: Florence. Weekly Tuition.
Eugene Parks and Rec: Eugene. Weekly tuition.
Nearby Nature School: Eugene. Monthly tuition.
River Road Parks and Rec: Eugene. Monthly tuition.
Willamalane: Springfield. Weekly tuition.
YMCA: Eugene and Cottage Grove. Monthly tuition.
This list is not exhaustive but attempts to list certified programs with sliding scales and those who accept ERDC payment. To be added to this list, email us at
No School Days Child Care Services
The following programs provide care on no school days for school-age children. Due to high demand, these programs may be full or have a waitlist.
Back2Youth: Winter Break Day Camp
Cottage Grove: Los Pueblos Spring Break Camp 2025
Duck Trails Youth Camp: Eugene. Kids 5-11
Eugene Science Center: Eugene. Grades K-5
NAAG Gymnastics: Eugene. Half and Full day programming, Kids 5-12
Nearby Nature School: Eugene. Kids 5-11
Willamalane: Springfield. Weekly tuition
YMCA: School’s Out and Winter Break Camps
To be added to this list, email us at