Pearl Buck Center
2024-25 Preschool Promise Program Year: August 5, 2024 - June 26, 2025
Free Preschool Promise Days/ Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Extra Days/Hours that can be paid for: N/A
Bussing: No
Preschool Promise Seats This School Year: 37
All children need a safe, nurturing and enriched learning environment to fulfill their potential and enter school ready to learn. The Pearl Buck Preschool program is designed for families led by parents with cognitive challenges, whose children are at risk.
Location: 3690 W. 1st Ave. Eugene, OR 97402
Days off: September 4th; November 23rd; December 18th-29th; January 1st-2nd, 15th; February 19th; March 18th-22nd; May 27th; *Days are subject to change
Languages: Spoken - English
Taught - English
Setting: Center-Based
2024-25 Open House/Touring Opportunities: Annual Orientation, Family Nights, Parent Cafe, Open Door Policy
Employment Related Day Care (ERDC): No, we are not registered with the Oregon Department of Human Services as an Employment Related Day Care provider, so we cannot accept ERDC payments.
Teacher Info: This placement does not have any teachers or teacher aids that identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color.
Phone Number: (541) 484-4666 ext.5150
*Please call (541)741-6000 X 201 for any Preschool Promise enrollment and eligibility questions.
Experience with and or specialized training related to children who:
Children with developmental delays or disabilities
Children in diapers
Children who have experienced trauma
Emerging or dual language learners
Children with physical disabilities
Children with alternative communication systems
Children with sensory needs
Children with specialized diets or feeding
Children who are currently in or have been in foster care
Children who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color)
Children who identify as gender non-binary or transgender
Sample Daily Menu
Sample Daily Schedule
Monday’s Breakfast:
WG Life Cereal, String Cheese, Applesauce, Milk
Monday’s Lunch:
Dino chicken Nuggets, Cucumbers, Bananas, Milk
Tuesday’s Breakfast:
Blueberry Muffin, Egg, Oranges, Milk
Tuesday’s Lunch:
Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches, Broccoli, Melon, Milk
Wednesday’s Breakfast:
Sausages, Margarine Toast, Melon, Milk
Wednesday’s Lunch:
Sausage and Cheese Pizza, Carrots, Grapes, Milk
Thursday’s Breakfast:
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Balls, Apples, Milk
Thursday’s Lunch:
Sliced Turkey and Shredded Cheese wrap, Lettuce, Oranges, Milk
8:00-8:15 Good Morning
8:15–9:30 Recess
9:30–10:00 Breakfast
10:00–10:20 Morning Circle
10:20–11:30 Centers
11:30–12:00 Lunch
12:00–1:30 Rest
1:30–2:15 Recess
2:15–2:30 Snack
2:30–2:45 Afternoon Circle
2:45–3:00 Library
3:00 Good Bye